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Neuer Overwatch-Patch veröffentlicht, Season 2 gestartet

Auf PC und Xbox One.

Blizzard hat einen neuen Overwatch-Patch auf PC und Xbox One veröffentlicht.

Wann er für die PlayStation 4 erscheint, ist derzeit nicht bekannt.

Zeitgleich geht auch Season 2 der Ranglistematches an den Start. Hierbei gibt es einige Anpassungen, zum Beispiel verteilt sich das Skill-Rating nun über 5.000 Punkte und Sudden Death fällt weg.

Des Weiteren gibt es allerlei weitere Änderungen am Spiel, zum Beispiel bei unterschiedlichen Helden, und die neue Map Eichenwalde ist mit dabei.

Einen Teil der Patch Notes lest ihr nachfolgend, den Rest findet ihr hier.

General Overwatch updates

  • When activating the "Ultimate Status" communication, Symmetra now reports the number of charges left on her teleporter
  • When activating the "Needs healing" communication while targeting a teammate, Ana, Lúcio, Mercy, and Zenyatta will now tell allies to group up to receive healing. A marker will also appear above the player's head, allowing teammates to locate the healer more quickly
  • Added Torbjörn as an AI-controlled hero in Practice vs. AI, Play vs. AI, and Custom Game modes
  • Sit and laugh emotes are now unlockable for all heroes
  • New Legendary skins have been added for Reinhardt

Overwatch Competitive Play changes

  • Skill rating is now measured on a 1-5000 scale instead of the former 1-100 scale
  • Skill Rating Tiers:
  • Players will now be assigned to a tier, depending on their skill rating
  • In Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum, and Diamond tiers, a player will not drop out of their tier even if their skill rating falls below the cutoff
  • In Master and Grandmaster tiers, a player whose skill rating falls below the tier's minimum will be moved to a lower tier
  • Players that have reached the Master and Grandmaster tiers must be within 500 Skill Rating of their groupmates
  • Players that are Diamond-tier and below must be within 1000 Skill Rating of their groupmates
  • Skill Rating Decay:
  • Players in Diamond, Master, and Grandmaster tiers that haven't participated in a competitive match for 7 days will lose skill rating
  • Players with a skill rating above 3000 (Diamond tier or higher) will lose 50 rating points every 24 hours, but their rating will not fall below 3000
  • Competing in a single match will halt skill rating decay
  • Players that haven't participated in a competitive match for 7 days will immediately drop out of the top 500
  • Map Changes:
  • Several refinements have been made to the time bank system for Hanamura, Temple of Anubis, and Volskaya Industries
  • The time bank system has been added to Dorado, Hollywood, King's Row, Numbani, Route 66, and Watchpoint: Gibraltar
  • Time granted for taking objectives on Dorado, Hanamura, Hollywood, King's Row, Numbani, Route 66, Temple of Anubis, Volskaya Industries, and Watchpoint: Gibraltar has been reduced from 5 minutes to 4
  • Competitive Points
  • Existing competitive points saved from Season 1 will be multiplied by 10
  • After winning a competitive match, players will now receive 10 competitive points (instead of 1)
  • Players will now receive 3 competitive points for a draw
  • The cost of golden weapons has also been multiplied by 10 - from 300 to 3000
  • A soft cap is being placed on the number of competitive points that can be saved
  • Players with more than 6000 points at the start of season 2 will no longer accrue points by playing competitive matches
  • End-of-season rewards will still be granted to players at the soft cap
  • Instead of going into Sudden Death, tied competitive matches will now result in a draw
  • Players must now win at least 50 competitive matches to be eligible for a spot in the top 500
  • Players must now complete more matches to clear their penalty status for leaving a competitive match early
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PS4, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch

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Benjamin Jakobs

Leitender Redakteur News

Benjamin Jakobs ist Leitender Redakteur, seit 2006 bei und schreibt News, Reviews, Meinungen, Artikel und Tipps.