Gewinnt Beta-Keys zu Homefront: The Revolution
1.500 Stück haben wir für euch.
Die Beta zu Homefront: The Revolution steht vor der Tür und ihr wisst noch nicht, wie ihr mitmachen könnt?

Kein Problem, denn wir haben 1.500 Beta-Keys von Deep Silver bekommen, die wir natürlich gerne an euch weitergeben.
Der Start der Beta ist für den heutigen 11. Februar um ca. 20 Uhr geplant, sie läuft dann bis zum 14. Februar exklusiv auf der Xbox One.
Es handelt sich dabei um eine Koop-Beta, in der ihr den Widerstandsmodus des Shooters gemeinsam mit bis zu vier Spielern ausprobieren könnt.
Im Widerstandsmodus könnt ihr „online gemeinsam mit ihren Freunden eine Widerstandszelle bilden und einen Guerilla-Krieg gegen die militärische Übermacht der KVA im besetzten Philadelphia führen. Im Rahmen von Mission mit mitreißender Handlung können neue Fähigkeiten freigeschaltet und Waffenentwürfe sowie seltene Ausrüstung und Kampfmonturen verdient werden. Die persönliche Liste an Freiheitskämpfern kann verbessert und angepasst werden, während die Spieler und ihre Teamkollegen von einfachen Zivilisten zu kampferprobten Soldaten werden."
Hier könnt ihr euch einen der Beta-Keys für Homefront: Revolution holen - first come, first served.
Nach dem folgenden Trailer seht ihr übrigens noch einige Tipps und Tricks für die Beta, die euch den Einstieg erleichtern sollen.
The Basics
- Stick to your squad
- Flank enemies who are engaging your squad members
- Try to ambush patrols or lure KPA soldiers into choke points
- Hit and run; if you are in a firefight with multiple enemies, running away to find a better vantage or ambush point is a viable strategy
- Get accustomed to using your Guerrilla Toolkit
- Hack enemy drone vehicles to temporarily have them engage your foes
- Scavenge the environment for ammo and salvage to craft Guerrilla Toolkit items
- Complete one difficulty before moving to a higher one
- Think of non-traditional tactics
- Stray too far from your squad - if you die, who will revive you?
- Alert the KPA before your team is in position to execute an ambush
- Run over your friends with a motorbike
- Attack enemy vehicles head on
- Forget to use your Guerrilla Toolkit items!
- Hesitate to play on an easier difficulty if you die a lot. Resistance Mode can become very hard.
Gameplay tips
Squad members who are incapacitated can be revived if you are fast enough. Once this time runs out and a squad member is dead, the only way to respawn is for the team to reach a checkpoint. Sometimes it's better to abandon an active firefight in favor of progressing the mission. Your squad will love you for it.
Use your phone (Left on the D-pad on a controller) and hover over enemies to tag them. Doing so will keep track of enemies for you and your team and increases situational awareness.
Hold down the Left Bumper button to open the weapon and GTK (Guerrilla Toolkit) menu. Use the Right Stick to select weapons and GTK devices. Hold the Right Trigger to craft a GTK device if you have the right amount of salvage.
You have four basic GTK devices - Explosive, Incendiary, Hack and Distraction - and each device can be deployed in one of four ways - Thrown, Remote, Proximity or R/C Car(!)
For example, a Thrown Incendiary is the urban guerrilla's go-to anti-personnel weapon - the Molotov Cocktail
Here are the four GTK types:
- The Incendiary does some damage to vehicles, but is best used against groups of soldiers if you can lure them to a chokepoint (a door to a building, stairs, or natural environment chokepoints).
- The Explosive charge is great against vehicles or groups of enemies. Combine with the R/C car deployment to create a deadly mobile IED!
- The Hack tool lets you temporarily turn an enemy combat drone or vehicle to your side. The best time to use this tactic is when a vehicle is in range and view of KPA soldiers or other vehicles.
- The Distraction device is a great way to sneak past enemies if you don't need to engage them. This can save you valuable ammo!
Learn to combine GTK devices with the right deployment method for multiple tactical options!
Ammo is scarce, but holding down the Interact button (X on an Xbox One controller) when looting enemy corpses will give you more ammo the longer you hold it. Explore the environment, especially ruined houses, to find additional ammo stashes.
Use verticality to your advantage. You can jump and climb onto ledges if they are within reach. Take the high ground.
Customization and Upgrades
As you play Missions, you earn "XP" and "$" depending on your performance.
Spend XP on unlocking Skills between Missions through the Fighters menu. Skills will let you customize your Fighter to fit the type of role you like to play. You can have multiple Fighters, so feel free to specialize them for certain roles and experiment with Skills!
Spend $ on purchasing Crates in the Armory. Different Crates yield different rewards.
Remember to equip new weapons and modifications before starting a Mission!
Once you are in a Mission, you can also always customize the weapon you selected for that Mission on the fly. Provided you have unlocked different types of weapon modifications, press Up on the D-pad (on a controller) to bring up the Weapon Modification menu. Then modify your weapon's different components to adjust to whatever the situation, or your style of play, requires.