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Assassin's Creed Valhalla: Letztes Update ab heute verfügbar - Das gibt’s zum Abschluss

Version 1.7.0 zieht einen Schlussstrich.

Assassin's Creed Valhalla erhält heute sein "finales Bugfix-Update".

Version 1.7.0 kümmert sich um 13 verschiedene Probleme, Details lest ihr weiter unten in den Patch Notes.

So groß ist das Update

Abhängig von der Plattform müsst ihr mal mehr, mal weniger Daten herunterladen. Auf der Playstation 5 sind es zum Beispiel rund 500 MB, auf der Xbox Series X/S stattdessen 15,1 GB.

Verfügbar ist Update 1.7.0 ab ungefähr 13 Uhr deutscher Zeit.

Patch Notes für Assassin's Creed Valhalla Update 1.7.0

Nachfolgend lest ihr alle Patch Notes für Version 1.7.0:

River Raids

  • Addressed: The Captain at Katzenelnbogen isn’t counted when the kill is confirmed.


  • Resolved most of the rare instances where Light-Fingered skill prevented the pickup of key items.
  • Adressed: Eivor’s hair can clip through the hood after completing an Animus Anomaly.

Armory and Inventory

  • Adressed: Previously purchased items are missing from player inventory.
  • Adressed: The Raven Clan Crew outfit cannot be enhanced or upgraded to a higher quality.
  • Adressed: The total number of Opals in the inventory doesn’t update when picking up an Opal in the world.


  • Resolved the error that occurs when trying to claim the Weekly Free Item.
  • Adressed: Gear packs still appear in the store when the content of the pack is already owned.
  • Adressed: Items incorrectly appear as owned in some situations.
  • Adressed: Korean language cannot be applied via Steam Language tab.
  • Adressed: It is possible to lose Helix Credits when purchasing the Twilight Set if 5/5 pieces of gear are already owned.
  • Adressed: Issues with pricing of Helix Store items when redeeming pieces of a full set.
  • Adressed: On Xbox, when buying Helix Credits through the store, they are not correctly added to the player inventory.
  • Adressed: In-game pop-ups no longer appear for Shared History and The Last Chapter when launching into the game.

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